Monat: <span>März 2024</span>

Hey @kryptonite_radio_theater Did you know that Ping the pityless of Pongo is in retail? I guess being evil alone doesn't pay the bills. Ironically he's in Golf Equipment. And we…

shit happens

Quick stop at Namba Yasaka Shrine. He isn't looking too friendly, but means well… I hope…#namba #yasaka #shrine #osaka #friendly #travel #discoverosaka #tokyo #ebt #workntravel #marcoontour #japan #trip #bymyself #nihon…

shit happens

Weekend Adventure! Off to Osaka and Hiroshima. And of course travelling with style. #weekend #adventure #shinkansen #nozomi225 #osaka #Hiroshima #tokyo #ebt #workntravel #marcoontour #japan #trip #bymyself #nihon #nippon #shinagawa

shit happens

Reading the German Constitution is so yesterday! Now I am fully immerged in japanese subcontracting laws. Why? I don´t even know myself. But let´s find out how good my interpretation…

shit happens

A tour to Mount Fuji with clear sky is an extraordinary experience… highly recommended! #fuji #mountfuji #fujiyama #fujitour #fujimountain #mountaintour #tokyo #ebt #workntravel #marcoontour #japan #trip #bymyself #nihon #nippon #shinagawa

shit happens